• Category: SUPPLEMENT
  • Producer: Medrivo


KOLI MED is a blend of herbal Choline that helps in maintaining liver function and promotes adequate protein synthesis and its optimum utilization. KOLIMED helps in scavenging oxygen free radicals, promotes regeneration of damage tissues and cells, protects from stress condition, maintains fertility, immunity & homeostasis. In poultry, it enhances egg production, improves egg quality and hatchability.The main function of choline is to act as a lipotropic agent and prevents the abnormal fatty infiltration in liver (Fatty Liver Syndrome) thus ensures proper metabolism of the body & effective utilization of the nutrients. Moreover, it helps in the formation of an excitatory neurotransmitter-acetylcholine, which is responsible for proper functioning of the nervous system and maintains its harmony. The supplementation of choline chloride diet improved weight gain and feed conversion efficiency in quail (Alagawany et al., 2015) and the symptoms of choline deficiency include reduced growth, fatty infiltration of liver and perosis in chicks (McDonald, 2011). Therefore, choline is referred as a “lipotropic” factor due to its function of acting on fat metabolism by hastening removal or decreasing deposition of fat in liver.Choline is a rediscovered critical amino acid for poultry and usually added to poultry diets in the form of synthetic choline chloride. Natural Choline is also present in plants in the phosphatidylcholine form, free choline and sphingomyelin. Currently, there are natural products, produced from selected plants, with high content of choline in esterified form and with high bioavailability, which may be an important alternative to synthetic choline chloride.